Elf Knows IT, Cash For Comments – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

Hey everyone, I would just like to say I’m very happy with the visitors and interest I have been getting on this site, every single visitor in my stats page means a lot to me. That means you! 🙂

So to say thanks to everyone I am having a unique type of free cash giveaway!

To be in with a chance of winning you only have to do 2 things.

  1. Comment on at least one of my blog posts, and it has to be a comment informative to the readers. No one word comments!
  2. Add me as a friend on at least one of my social networking profiles. The links are on the home page.

In a short while, I’m not saying when yet, but sometime in the month of September, I will pick a random comment from my blog posts and if the poster of that comment is also a friend on one of my social networking profiles they will win the cash, It will be in the form of a PayPal transaction, or an e-voucher of their choice.

So how much could I win?
That’s entirely up to you! For every comment posted on the blog I will increase the prize by $0.05. So if 1000 comments are posted the prize will reach $50 etc.

I will let you all know in good time when I’m doing the draw. I will be doing it in the live chat http://elfknowsit.com/live. So make sure to be there at the time of the giveaway to be in with a chance!

So get commenting and it could be you!


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