What is AI Generated Imagery?

What is AI Generated Imagery?

AI generated imagery is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses machine learning to create images. These images are created by feeding a large dataset of images and text into an AI model. The model then learns to identify patterns in the images and text, and use this information to create new images.

AI generated imagery is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and interact with images. For example, AI generated imagery could be used to create realistic images of products that don’t yet exist, or to generate images that are tailored to a user’s individual preferences.

How Does AI Generated Imagery Work?

AI generated imagery works by using a process called diffusion. Diffusion is a type of machine learning that starts with a random image and then gradually refines it until it matches the user’s input. The user can provide input in the form of text, images, or even just a few keywords. The AI model then uses this input to create an image that matches the user’s desired result.

Here are some examples of AI generated imagery:

  • DALL-E 2: DALL-E 2 is an AI generated imagery tool created by OpenAI. It can create realistic images from text descriptions. For example, you could ask DALL-E 2 to create an image of a “cat riding a unicorn on a rainbow.” 
  • Midjourney: Midjourney is another AI generated imagery tool. It is known for its ability to create high-quality images that are both realistic and creative.
  • Dream by Wombo: Dream by Wombo is an AI generated imagery tool that uses a process called text-to-art. It can create images from text descriptions, but it also has a number of different styles that you can choose from.

What are the Benefits of AI Generated Imagery?

There are a number of benefits to using AI generated imagery. These benefits include:

  • Creativity: AI generated imagery can help you to be more creative. By providing the AI model with a few keywords, you can generate images that you would never have thought of on your own.
  • Efficiency: AI generated imagery can save you time. Instead of spending hours manually creating images, you can let the AI model do the work for you.
  • Accuracy: AI generated imagery can be more accurate than human-created images. This is because the AI model is able to learn from a much larger dataset of images.

What are the Limitations of AI Generated Imagery?

There are also a number of limitations to using AI generated imagery. These limitations include:

  • Cost: AI generated imagery can be expensive. This is because the AI models require a lot of data to train.
  • Accuracy: AI generated imagery is not always accurate. This is because the AI models are still under development.
  • Bias: AI generated imagery can be biased. This is because the AI models are trained on data that is created by humans.


AI generated imagery is a powerful new tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and interact with images. However, there are still some limitations to AI generated imagery. As the technology continues to develop, these limitations will likely be overcome.

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