“Connecting Ireland” Testers Needed! – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

Hey Guys, I’m currently working on a new website.

It’s a social networking website for Ireland. With it I aim to bring Social Networking to the next level in Ireland. Ciorcal goes further than just friend interaction, and brings a whole new level of connectivity to the web, and Ireland.

With many areas to connect in, such as sharing music,photos,articles,a rating system,forums,classifieds,LIVE chat and much more!

What is Ciorcal?
Ciorcal is an online platform for Ireland, you can use Ciorcal to stay in touch with
family or friends, meet new people or even find old friends.

Do I have to live in Ireland to join?
Anyone can join! Wether you live in Ireland or not. Even if you have no connection
to Ireland, but just want to mingle with some friendly Irish people.

I need you!!
But I need you to make it happen! With a website this big it’s near impossible for me to work through it all over and over, finding what works and what doesn’t, what needs to be changed. Feedback is the building blocks for this website.

If you’re interested in making Ciorcal what it should be, could you head over to and join up. Play with it a bit, share some photo’s, music, post a few articles and just explore with all the toys and goodies on the site. And let me know what you think should be changed,shaped and if there are any errors or bugs. Let me know.

I can’t say how much I would appreciate it.

Thanks Guys


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