Your Content and Search Engines – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

Search engines are a brilliant way to get traffic and visitors to your site, I would say 90% of people look straight to a search engine when they want to look up something. So a brilliant way to get you this traffic is to structure your content in a way that the search engines will say “Hey, I like that, I think I’ll make that a top relevant search for ‘this’ keyword”.

Here are a few simple and very effective points to make sure your content and the search engines get along well.

Keep It Original
If you are trying to get traffic, it’s a bad idea to just copy and paste 20 popular articles into your site and wait for the traffic. This is because the search engines will see that those articles are in their search listings many times already, and it will point users to the higher ranking sites rather than yours.

Use Keywords
Search engines love keywords, I mean LOVE! How can you make sure they like your site too? Simple, Use a small amount of strong keywords in the title. Use keywords at the start and end of your content also, These are strong areas.

Make Use Of HTML
Search engines don’t just look at the content, they make use of certain parts of HTML Code too. Such as ALT tags for images, they will search these for keywords too. And H2 or H3 Header tags, This lets the search engine know that this is the title, Rather than just big text.

Do you have any tips to share. Please do with a comment, I’d love to hear them.

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