I’m On Ubuntu Studio – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

I have always been a huge Linux fan, giving Windows XP the boot back in 2003 for a taste of Red Hat, and loved it! I had always been interested and messed a little with Linux since around 2001, but in 2003 I decided to give it the complete once over and gave my computer a clean wipe and started from scratch with Red Hat 7.3 It stuck! Starting to move up through the numbers to Red Hat 9, then trying Fedora for a short while, until I found Ubuntu. I had been messing with Debian before so it sat perfect with me. I now use Ubuntu on every machine at home and at all my servers. I love it.

Then yesterday I decided to give Ubuntu Studio a try, yet again I was truly amazed. It comes packed with every multimedia package you could want. Perfect for a multimedia work station!

Let Your Creativity Fly…

Ubuntu Studio. A multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Studio is aimed at the GNU/Linux audio, video and graphic enthusiast as well as professional.

We provide a suite of the best open-source applications available
for multimedia creation. Completely free to use, modify and
redistribute. Your only limitation is your imagination. 

If you’re anyway into Linux and multimedia creation, or even just multimedia and want to give Ubuntu a try. I’d recommend you give it a go.

You can find the homepage here.

Do you use Ubuntu Studio, or even Ubuntu? Thinking of switching? Let me know with a comment!

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