SocialEye – Get Paid To Make The Web A Safer Place – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

SocialEye is a new service offered by Elf Knows IT. It is a social networking tool, where you can find out all you need about social networking, and what goes on with it.

  • Teenagers can use it to find out the true facts about social networking, and learn about cyber-bullying, and what can be done about it.
  • Parents can use SocialEye to learn exactly what goes on in the world of social networking, and what their children might be getting up to on the internet.

SElf Search
SElf Search can also be fond on this site, but it is a main feature of SocialEye. SElf Search is a service where by simply typing your name, and if you want, your location. You can see if you have been talked about on any of the popular social networking sites such as: Bebo, Myspace, Youtube, Facebook.

Although SElf Search is aimed at people using the service for themselves. Parents can also use the service to find what’s being said about their children on social networking websites.

SocialEye will constantly keep growing, so keep en eye on it, and SocialEye will keep an eye out for you.

Get Paid
As a way of saying thanks, we give you the opportunity to gain some
extra income on SocialEye. The system we use is revenue sharing.
This is where you can use your Google Adsense account.
This means that when someone is viewing an article submitted by you,
your ads will be showing in the ad slots around the page 50% of the
time. 50% is the best we can do for now, but in the near future when the
site grows and matures, this will be bumped up to 100%!, Yup that means
you will get ALL the revenue from your content on SocialEye


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