Snow and Ireland on Twitter! – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

What’s being said:

  • @planetjedward I’m in school and outside there is snow everywhere! When are you back in Ireland? Excited for Childline? πŸ™‚ I can’t wait Tue Nov 30 15:07:38 +0000 2010 from Audrey_Sheils_
  • @iharryshum 10 inches of snow. Ireland =/ Tue Nov 30 14:59:24 +0000 2010 from liamcredmond
  • (On the minus side, Ireland is spectacularly ill-equipped to deal with snow.) Tue Nov 30 14:59:16 +0000 2010 from ephemerayla
  • @iharryshum Ireland : Snow and really coooooooooold ! Courage =) Christmas is coming ! =) Tue Nov 30 14:59:05 +0000 2010 from MCampii
  • @ThatsWhatLiSaid I can’t believe you’ve got snow in Ireland. the years when I was over there no snow at all. and now as much as switzerland Tue Nov 30 14:56:24 +0000 2010 from carmenp11
  • @iweatheronline My school in Cork, is closed. We got like 0.5cm snow. Love Ireland. Tue Nov 30 14:50:56 +0000 2010 from LaurenMusic_
  • makes for bril pics & painters wish list when the two most stunning mountain ranges in Ireland the Twelve Pins & Maamturks covered in snow Tue Nov 30 14:44:36 +0000 2010 from KylemoreHotel
  • Crazy Purple Lighting Over Ireland with Instant Snow on Eve of IMF/EU Invasion. Tue Nov 30 14:41:30 +0000 2010 from glpfeed
  • RT@shayneTward only in ireland πŸ™‚ think u must be the ray a sunshine that’s melting the snow away πŸ˜‰ Tue Nov 30 14:38:38 +0000 2010 from djlexius1986
  • @shayneTward Your in Ireland?!?!?!?!?! Really? <33 Wow…..Liking the snow? I think the UK is worse right? lol Come to Longford? πŸ˜‰ Tue Nov 30 14:28:18 +0000 2010 from ImJustUniqueXxx
  • RT @RockThatBieber: i live in Ireland and we have so much snow <3 Tue Nov 30 14:27:40 +0000 2010 from vampiresarah96
  • Same here <3 Ireland is awesome RT @RockThatBieber i live in Ireland and we have so much snow <3 Tue Nov 30 14:25:22 +0000 2010 from IrelandBeliebs
  • i live in Ireland and we have so much snow <3 Tue Nov 30 14:23:09 +0000 2010 from RockThatBieber
  • Adverse weather to ease today but cause further chaos tomorrow: There is more snow forecast for the east later t… Tue Nov 30 14:20:07 +0000 2010 from shopsmartultd
  • Adverse weather to ease today but cause further chaos tomorrow: There is more snow forecast for the east later t… Tue Nov 30 14:20:06 +0000 2010 from cj38089
  • RT @tomflay: Wow! Ireland have been having electrical snow storms! Now that is awesome… Tue Nov 30 14:16:55 +0000 2010 from adambeyoncelowe
  • Working from home today, Ireland is just not built to cope with snow! Tue Nov 30 14:16:15 +0000 2010 from craigehughes
  • @IanJamesPoulter yeah it would be nice to be playing golf in the warm. Ireland snow and -9 last night, now thats even cold for Ireland. Tue Nov 30 14:15:24 +0000 2010 from kaddyshackgolf
  • hello @thisisdavina πŸ˜€ , im so happy its snowing in ireland, any luck for snow with you? πŸ˜€ x Tue Nov 30 14:11:30 +0000 2010 from _hollyjayne
  • rt @TomFlay: Wow! Ireland have been having electrical snow storms! Now that is awesome… Tue Nov 30 14:09:10 +0000 2010 from ellyoracle
  • RT @plegrain: Great to be on #rtefl last night. It’s not too late for #Ireland to change course. Now stuck at the airport due to heavy snow in London Tue Nov 30 14:08:14 +0000 2010 from Planoltom
  • Wow! Ireland have been having electrical snow storms! Now that is awesome… Tue Nov 30 14:05:31 +0000 2010 from tomflay
  • Freezing conditions and snow in the midlands of Ireland this morning, oh so cold. Tue Nov 30 14:04:48 +0000 2010 from SusanMDelaney
  • @stargirlcfc hahaaa! where I live gets the worst snow in ireland probably :L last year we got about 5 inches πŸ˜› x Tue Nov 30 14:03:35 +0000 2010 from CJC_KNIGHTS
  • @justinbieber ireland after paris? its snowing here u can come and play in the snow with me and @Innessaf πŸ˜€ x Tue Nov 30 14:02:49 +0000 2010 from sarahmchx
  • RT @BeliebersLovein: @justinbieber You made it snow in Ireland too, probably when you flew over head! It’s quite romantic actually.. πŸ™‚ Tue Nov 30 14:01:29 +0000 2010 from girlbeliberclub
  • @justinbieber You made it snow in Ireland too, probably when you flew over head! It’s quite romantic actually.. πŸ™‚ Tue Nov 30 14:01:04 +0000 2010 from BeliebersLovein
  • See the snowcover? RT @iweatheronline: High resolution view of Ireland and the UK from space #snow Tue Nov 30 13:59:26 +0000 2010 from iWitnessWeather
  • @jaymesgittenz Hey Doll loving the snow just the cold is unbearable πŸ™ build a snowman tat has ur name all over it πŸ™‚ much luv from Ireland Tue Nov 30 13:58:23 +0000 2010 from BarbieArmy2010
  • @alibastian over in Southern Ireland as well..everywhere is covered in snow.. Tue Nov 30 13:57:47 +0000 2010 from kayle16
  • So much snow around the UK and Ireland and yet I’ve not seen a single flake in Limerick. Tue Nov 30 13:55:55 +0000 2010 from apeatling
  • @AidanM1992 your lucky you dont live in ireland… the whole country shuts down at the sight of snow grrrrrrr Tue Nov 30 13:51:00 +0000 2010 from RichieRich4000
  • wtf , 20 cm of snow in IRELAND cant belive it , no school , no bus , no nothin. Tue Nov 30 13:48:14 +0000 2010 from Firecyber
  • Snow’s finally melting – hopefully it doesn’t quickly freeze and turn it all to solid ice like it did last year! #ennis #ireland #weather Tue Nov 30 13:45:54 +0000 2010 from PPCLINIC
  • im here in ireland,we have ALOT of snow rightnow but seeing ur sunset makes me happy (@mrsdogc) Tue Nov 30 13:44:30 +0000 2010 from elaineoneill570
  • RT @AirwaveAtlantic: HEY IRELAND! Please snow heavily. I’d like a day off. Kaithnksbai. Tue Nov 30 13:44:01 +0000 2010 from OhMyHoppus
  • HEY IRELAND! Please snow heavily. I’d like a day off. Kaithnksbai. Tue Nov 30 13:43:20 +0000 2010 from AirwaveAtlantic
  • @ladyumbrellaltd : send us some snow in the west of ireland. we miss it Tue Nov 30 13:42:36 +0000 2010 from Caragh_x
  • the snow is Ireland is unreal,so much fell last night and its starting again πŸ™‚ Tue Nov 30 13:39:14 +0000 2010 from JenniGavin
  • RT @caoilberries: Ireland is a massive pile of snow πŸ˜€ Tue Nov 30 13:38:39 +0000 2010 from FiachraMoody
  • awful weather her in ireland … snow is gone and the wind and rain has come πŸ™ Tue Nov 30 13:38:20 +0000 2010 from Elle_G_
  • @Rawsawras Its freezing!!! Cold enough to make it snow lol Not much…there isnt really anything to do here ever lol πŸ™‚ I h8 Ireland :/ Tue Nov 30 13:32:27 +0000 2010 from ImJustUniqueXxx
  • Peter Bills: Rugby’s world order re-asserts itself: Britain, Ireland and northern France was blanketed by snow t… Tue Nov 30 13:32:11 +0000 2010 from WNTennis
  • RT @FionaLuvsJed_M4: @Boy_Banned πŸ™‚ didnt enter your #uksnow competition cause im in Ireland…..but heres some irish snow πŸ™‚ xxx Tue Nov 30 13:27:53 +0000 2010 from boy_banned
  • News from Ireland.. "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…" Tue Nov 30 13:26:36 +0000 2010 from irelandcrosroad
  • @steveaustinBSR the abombable snowman wud feel right at home here in ireland ritw now cos we have ALOT of snow Tue Nov 30 13:25:23 +0000 2010 from elaineoneill570
  • Peninsula Ireland get more free coverage with a "survey" today. Apparently they know how many of us were late to work due to snow today. Tue Nov 30 13:24:39 +0000 2010 from Fergal
  • RT @IrishFireside: Ireland Braces for Big Freeze – 7in of snow & temps in the teens (F) Tue Nov 30 13:23:15 +0000 2010 from fadoinsider
  • @SamChampion my relatives in Northern Ireland (part of the UK) had snow. Makes it tougher to tend to the cattle on the farm! Tue Nov 30 13:22:59 +0000 2010 from TomHTweets
  • @justinbieber snow day in ireland (L) on the couch reading your book,and listening to common denominator.loveyou. Tue Nov 30 13:21:14 +0000 2010 from singingkatie
  • @Boy_Banned πŸ™‚ didnt enter your #uksnow competition cause im in Ireland…..but heres some irish snow πŸ™‚ xxx Tue Nov 30 13:20:50 +0000 2010 from FionaLuvsJed_M4
  • @justinbieber snow day in ireland today (L) on the couch reading your book,listening to common denominator. loveyou. Tue Nov 30 13:19:08 +0000 2010 from singingkatie
  • The road conditions have got so bad in Ireland that people are now driving within the speed limits. #snow #Ireland Tue Nov 30 13:16:44 +0000 2010 from DeScull
  • @justinbieber wish you could come to Ireland where it would snow even more!! Tue Nov 30 13:16:34 +0000 2010 from muser_ific
  • @justinbieber im prettty sure you brought snow to ireland too! its really deep, were you in ireland too? πŸ˜‰ Tue Nov 30 13:15:17 +0000 2010 from KirstyTweet
  • @KendallJennerkendall you should come to ireland,its white with snow verywhere,lol x Tue Nov 30 13:13:50 +0000 2010 from jjenniexx
  • @IrishFireside: Ireland Braces for Big Freeze – 7in of snow & temps in the teens (F) Tue Nov 30 13:10:56 +0000 2010 from irishfollow
  • Is extremely jealous of Ireland’s snow day. Especially since we’re going to have thunderstorms all day. xD Tue Nov 30 13:09:30 +0000 2010 from haleyxgrl
  • According to the Indo, Ireland could reach as low as -13 Celsius. Yikes! #snow Tue Nov 30 13:06:28 +0000 2010 from brian017
  • @SamChampion my cork city tweeps are reporting snow in ireland as well as @cotisgal currently in wicklow Tue Nov 30 13:04:55 +0000 2010 from abaesel2
  • the snow was fun at 1st cos we never get it here in ireland but now its bugging me πŸ™ Tue Nov 30 13:02:41 +0000 2010 from elaineoneill570
  • Snow clouds are a looming #snow #ireland Tue Nov 30 13:00:02 +0000 2010 from SquidgeMundo
  • More snow on way as temperatures fall again | via @AddThis Tue Nov 30 12:59:48 +0000 2010 from DaniloDusoswa
  • @C4news Great blog about enterpeneurship in Ireland by Jon Snow Tue Nov 30 12:58:07 +0000 2010 from dvea
  • When did Ireland and Canada swap weather? Snow and ice at home, lashing rain in Toronto. It’s like it followed me πŸ™ Tue Nov 30 12:56:28 +0000 2010 from grainnemurphy
  • Back from Ireland and still I can’t escape the snow… Tue Nov 30 12:51:08 +0000 2010 from RobPritchard78
  • Check out Frosty the beer bellied fag puffing snow man from Newbridge, Ireland Tue Nov 30 12:48:54 +0000 2010 from champerscharlie
  • @sammiiMARVELL shoud come to ireland. 4inches of snow<3 Tue Nov 30 12:48:37 +0000 2010 from beckahrose
  • @TreyGuardiAngel: awwww. Yep in the UK n Ireland its really bad! But I like the snow. Tue Nov 30 12:47:33 +0000 2010 from LaurzLil4Songz
  • I love the smell of Ireland in the morning. Guinness. Whiskey. Steak pies. Snow. Tue Nov 30 12:45:56 +0000 2010 from BlackDawnEnt
  • Bitta snow and Ireland comes to a standstill Tue Nov 30 12:44:49 +0000 2010 from hallo_its_me
  • iwalked down town wit my brother cos the roads here in ireland are bad wit the snow.iwore my new boots + BAD idea. they ripped my heels Tue Nov 30 12:44:43 +0000 2010 from elaineoneill570
  • @SamanthaBarks I love snow:) it’s snowing here in ireland too! well it’s sorta stopped but its everywhere!!!! Tue Nov 30 12:44:37 +0000 2010 from __helenajonas
  • All this lovely snow makes me think of Christmas in Ireland Tue Nov 30 12:41:53 +0000 2010 from imagineireland
  • @ollyofficial I want snow! We’re the only place in Ireland that doesn’t πŸ™ xxxx Tue Nov 30 12:40:11 +0000 2010 from Eleanor_JedOlly
  • Ireland Braces for Big Freeze – 7in of snow & temps in the teens (F) Tue Nov 30 12:31:10 +0000 2010 from IrishFireside
  • @rogercharlton I have a Subaru, too. Saw snow in Ireland in Ger Lyons’s tweeted vid. Tue Nov 30 12:29:37 +0000 2010 from sidfernando
  • @MrEdByrne Snow rocks πŸ™‚ No school in Ireland πŸ˜€ Tue Nov 30 12:25:54 +0000 2010 from jennacm95
  • For the weather that’s in it, "… snow is general all over Ireland …" Tue Nov 30 12:20:01 +0000 2010 from JamesJoyceCentr
  • @vocesempresera Hahaha we sure do lol RT heykim: wow… never think of IRELAND as having SNOW …. RT momdel: heykim Tue Nov 30 12:18:55 +0000 2010 from Mafiaaaau8
  • More school closures due to snow: A list of schools affected by snow across Northern Ireland. Tue Nov 30 12:15:14 +0000 2010 from patsion
  • A list of schools affected by snow across Northern Ireland. Tue Nov 30 12:15:14 +0000 2010 from infermanagh
  • A list of schools affected by snow across Northern Ireland. Tue Nov 30 12:15:14 +0000 2010 from inderry
  • A list of schools affected by snow across Northern Ireland. Tue Nov 30 12:15:14 +0000 2010 from inbelfast
  • More school closures due to snow: A list of schools affected by snow across Northern Ireland. Tue Nov 30 12:15:10 +0000 2010 from tweetni
  • More school closures due to snow: A list of schools affected by snow across Northern Ireland. Tue Nov 30 12:15:10 +0000 2010 from bbcnewsline
  • #news More school closures due to snow: A list of schools affected by snow across Northern Ireland. Tue Nov 30 12:15:10 +0000 2010 from eyesofgee
  • @DonnieWahlberg Snow day Twugs from Ireland Tue Nov 30 12:11:14 +0000 2010 from irishgirl_no1
  • Lovin the snow here in Ireland…. Tue Nov 30 12:08:35 +0000 2010 from dayna_kearney
  • A dolphin AND snow near Dalkey Island, Ireland, where my brother & I were nearly stranded! via @whyowhyvonne @aoifemcl Tue Nov 30 12:06:48 +0000 2010 from hmccormack
  • Promote Yourself! Punchestown snow worry: Sunday’s meeting at Punchestown is already in d… Business Ireland Tue Nov 30 12:04:55 +0000 2010 from IrelandandIrish
  • It is snowing in UK, Ireland… and…and.. and… .. waiting snow also in Milan… Tue Nov 30 12:04:27 +0000 2010 from EddaCarla
  • @ShirDizzle @Clover4Lover Greetins from Snow cold Ireland….its -2 outside… Tue Nov 30 12:01:54 +0000 2010 from RoniEnnis
  • Peter Bills: Rugby’s world order re-asserts itself: Britain, Ireland and northern France was blanketed by snow … Tue Nov 30 12:01:10 +0000 2010 from nieuwsmedia
  • snow melting in Ireland πŸ™ Tue Nov 30 11:59:54 +0000 2010 from DeanC11
  • @Stylometre There is snow all over Ireland and IN LONDON! X Tue Nov 30 11:59:16 +0000 2010 from burntheblonde
  • Ireland: Many schools to close for rest of week as snow shows no let-up – Tue Nov 30 11:58:51 +0000 2010 from filterednews
  • Only in Ireland would it snow, rain and have hail stones at the same time .. xx Tue Nov 30 11:57:54 +0000 2010 from kearaxxx
  • @robertkarlsson Hope you had a safe trip back. Its freezing in Ireland, covered in snow! Tue Nov 30 11:56:54 +0000 2010 from golfchiro

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