Keep Socially Central – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

Every now and then a service comes along that makes me say, “That’s so simple, why didn’t I think of that!” The latest one to have this effect on me is
It is a service that lets you update all of your Blogs,Micro-Blogs and Status across all of your Social Profiles. Currently they offer you this service for most of the major social networking sites like Bebo, Blogger, Brightkite, Facebook, hi5, Jaiku, Linkedln, LiveJournal, Mashable, Myspace, Plaxico Pulse, Plurk, Pownce, Twitter, and Xanga

The service is currently in BETA mode, but don’t worry you can still join. Head over to and sign up with the beta code letmeping And start keeping everyone up to date with your social ramblings.

Do you use this service? What do you think of it, Let me know with a comment!

Addition: I got an e-mail today from Sean over at, the new beat code is iheartping, the old one letmeping still works, but if it stops the new one will do the job!

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