How To Boost Your Online Credibility – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

The best way to boost your traffic/readers/revenue for your site is to gain yourself some stable online credibility, If you have a blog or website about a certain topic, you can almost bet there is plenty of other ones out there that cover the same topic as you, and you probably wonder how come a small handful of ones get the thousands of readers a day you should be getting? The simple answer is they have credibility. This is one of the most important factors for ANY blog or website. Once the reader feels comfortable on your site and get the feeling that you’re tuned into what you are talking about, the readers will come pouring in.

So how can you work on your credibility?

Let the readers know who you are
When a reader comes to your blog or website they would like to know about the person behind it, a simple About page describing a little about yourself and what you are doing with your blog or website will show you are thinking about the readers and not just yourself.

Show Yourself
Have real pictures of yourself on your blog or website if you can, this shows the person behind the content so people can put a face to the name!

If a reader asks you a question, if it’s an e-mail or a comment, Answer! Let the readers know you value their information and are happy to answer their questions and take it on board.

Do It Yourself…Publish your own content on your site, by copying other peoples work it shows you don’t really have an interest or passion for the subject of your content, it just gives the reader the impression you just want content for traffic, and not for the real value of visitors.

Domain E-mail Address
If you own your own domain, you should have an e-mail address associated with the domain such as [email protected], most good domain companies give you this for free now. Your own e-mail on your domain looks more professional, and more shiny!

Don’t Put Down Others
The biggest mistake a lot of bloggers and publishers make is posting on other sites saying “This guy hasn’t a clue check out my site it’s better!” This won’t get readers, only give potential readers a bad impression.

Express Yourself
A personal blog or website is for your to show people what you think and share your content with others, so have a laugh and show some personality, if you offend someone they probably wouldn’t be interested in you anyway, and the people who like it, will stay!

Don’t Hide
Too many people have a blog or website but don’t tell anyone or post links in case someone might not like it, or aren’t sure how their content will go down. Why not?..Post links in your signatures, Tell friends, Share your link on Social Networking sites. Sure you will get some people who don’t like it, or will have something to say, Don’t mind then, it’s your space, not theirs!

Give readers the option of receiving updates of new content through e-mail, and for you to send out personal messages to all the readers of your site. It will go down well.

So go to town on boosting your credibility, get yourself some fans 😉

Do you have any tips to gain credibility?, Leave a comment! Looking forward to hearing them.

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