Wireless on Xbox 360 – Hopefully Ronan reads this! – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

I received a question from Ronan, but unfortunately the e-mail he supplied won’t work. So hopefully he reads this.

Ronan sent a message using the contact form at http://elfknowsit.com/ask.

Hello Elf!

I’m having a lot of trouble setting my Xbox 360 up to use my wireless 
connection on my Eircom Broadband. When I try to connect to the wireless 
network, it fails and says the router won’t assign the Xbox an IP address. I 
have tried many ways around this, including entering an IP address manually 
to the Xbox and using “Windows Connect Now”, but nothing has worked thus 

What should I do?

Thanks, Ronan

Hi Ronan,

sounds like you are trying to connect to the router but you are being
denied a connection, this is probably down to your wireless security
settings, if you have never used your wireless before you will need the
default pass-phrase to connect, I wrote about this before here –

you are connecting with your pass-phrase and know you have your
wireless set up correctly, get back to me and we can take it from there.

Thanks for your question!

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