Make Your Own Twitter? – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

By now you have to know about twitter, everyone uses it, but have you ever wondered about making your own twitter? You could write it from scratch, the code wouldn’t be too deep, the simple ideas are always the best!

There is also plenty of pre-made software out there for you, open source of course, to create your own twitter-like service, but what if someone has already done the work for you?

Shout’ – It’s like ning for micro blogging!

On Shout’em you can create a micro-blogging network, in 3 simple steps, check it out!

What is Shout’Em?

Shout’Em is platform on which you can easily start co-branded microbloging social networking service. Something simple as Twitter or with more features like Pownce. It is up to you 🙂

Networks on Shout’Em are "lightweight social networks". They have small set of features: microblogging, links and photo sharing, geo location sharing and mobile browser support.
We belive that microblogging concept is more suitable for small comunities loking for simple service to comunicate than existing social networks with tons of features.

To our customers Shout’Em enables taking care only of the fun part. Naming, colors, design, promotion etc… We take care of all other technical details and provide scalable and reliable software.
We like to call this concept "Ning for Twitters".


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