I’m On The Front Page of Google! – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

I was checking my stats in Analytics today and I noticed a huge increase in my hits that I’m getting from Google, so I decided to do a bit of digging through the keywords, and what I saw made me smile, ear to ear!

Google now have me on the front page, in position 5 for the keyword knows, which has 173 million results!, and in position 5 for the keyword elf, which has over 37 million results. Brilliant, Thanks Google!

It’s hard to describe how happy this has made me, and hopefully it will only get better and Google will keep delivering readers to me. It will only make me better!

But I have to say thanks to you guys, because I’m sure it’s down to you for Digging and Tweeting my posts, I really appreciate it. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Below is a screen-shot of my position for the keyword knows.


Thanks Guys!

-Mark ๐Ÿ˜‰

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