Facebook Is Growing Up, and Leaving The Rest Behind! – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

Social networking has always been interesting to me, the whole concept is just sweet to the taste. So I decided to look into 3 of the major kings in the social network world today, and the results are surprising!

I looked into the traffic for Bebo.com, Myspace.com and Facebook.com

Here’s what I found:

Bebo has been hit traffic wise out of the most, I think the main reason for this in my opinion is the general feeling on Bebo, I joined a while back and noticed the general age group using Bebo slowly but surely fall, now its a mid-teen social network really. This has hurt them I think.

MySpace is dropping, but not as sharp or deeply as Bebo, But I think is is down to the user-profile aspect of MySpace fizzling out, MySpace is now more associated with bands/products/promotions etc….. but it works!

Now for the King, Facebook, I have to say my hat goes off to them, as you can tell from the graph, they are growing at a HUGE rate! And it’s simply down to one reason, professional! Facebook treat their social network like a proper business, with business models in advertising etc. and they have a much more mature feel to their service, which brings in a more mature audience, in turn creating a much better atmosphere, and this simply leads to a better service/more members.

Fair play Facebook!


Any comments? I’d love to hear what you make of these stats, this is only my opinion, I’d love to hear yours.

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