Elf Knows IT – Now IT’s your turn! – Elf Knows It [ARCHIVED]

Hey guys

First I want to take this time to thank everyone who has contributed to the site with comments, questions, e-mails, tweets..you name it, it really means a lot to me. So I think it’s time I did something for you, do you like blogging? Interested in making money? Read on….

I have been working away in the background of the site a lot over the past few weeks, you probably noticed the changes in the design! I have also been doing a lot of work that you would have not seen, such as server changes (bigger and better), and some general tidying up, it’s been a long few weeks, but it’s been all worth it, it’s all part of my favor I am giving back to you guys.

From next week, Monday, The site will hopefully take a whole new change on things, because I want YOU to join in….


From next week the doors of Elf Knows IT will be open to anyone, to write about anything. Yup I’m giving the keys, so to speak, over to you. I have been working on, and creating a platform for bloggers, writers, etc to say what they want, and get paid for it….

Get paid for it??

You heard me right!, Once you create an account on Elf Knows IT, all you need to do is supply your Google Adsense details, and this will let you earn money from the ad’s you see around the site. How does this work? Simple, once you create some content, i.e. a blog post. The ad’s which are shown for THAT post will be yours, meaning you will get the money for the clicks that ad brings in.

What to write about?

What ever you want, there will be no ties on what you write about (in reason! ) It can be anything from Arts to Zebras!

Building the foundation

For the past year or so I have been working hard on Elf Knows IT, publicity in the papers, people interaction, and most importantly, online. I have gained Elf Knows IT a Google Page Rank of 4, which will only grow, also creating great coverage with Google, bringing in page 1 traffic from keywords such as Broadband, all the way to knows! Now it’s yours.

The Social Effect

One of the major gifts to you guys from me will be the promoting of your content, I truly believe that everyone has something good to say, regardless of the topic, everyone has a niche and they deserve to be heard. So EVERY post from EVERY user, will be promoted by me across the social media of the web. This includes Facebook, Twitter,Friend Feed, Technorati, WordPress, Myspace, you name it, I will be promoting your content over it.

Climbing to the top

I will also have a "Digg" style system in place, this means that all content can be rated, and on the front page there will be a list of the highest rated and most liked content, so if you give the people what they want, you will get the people!

What a difference capitals make…..

Originally I started Elf Knows IT as a tech support Website, IT standing for Information Technology, But I think it’s time to take the capitals out, making it Elf Knows It, meaning you, the elves, know everything.

What do we have to do?

Simply write about what you are interested in, that’s it! With my knowledge of Adense placement, search engine optimization and social media publication, I will do ALL the rest.

When can we start?

From next Monday the whole system will be up and running, but you can register now, by doing this you can grab your username before someone else does!


Good luck, and happy writing!


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